Loisirs and Tourism —

FrancoFUN Camp 2024

FrancoFUN Camp 2024

The FrancoFun 2024 summer camp registration is now open. You have till May,31th  2024 to complete and send the following form:


https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/e/1FAIpQLSesTIz9mhJw9yd8o_ En8yoCEOTgStGx7lyxDg9oUnLZZRPk NA/viewform 


As places are limited, priority will be given to the first registrants. Kindly note that to finalize your registration, you will have to select one of the two payment option below:

- Interactive payment via the following email address: direction@ carrefournunavut.ca

- At Carrefour Nunavut premises (723 IGLULIK DR) in cash only.


Two information sessions are scheduled on May 13th,2023 :

- Morning: 12pm - 1pm - Evening: 5pm - 6pm